Dealing With Self-Doubt

As much as we would want to be strong, there will be times of uncertainty and fear. It does not make us less of a person, but it gives us a reality check of our mortality. So how do we deal with the lack of confidence and fear of failure?


You will never find the solution until you see the problem. Accept that you are not okay with yourself right now, and that's okay. What is important is that you know that this is not the end but the beginning of something better. 


When things get low, don't be afraid to ask for help. Call a trusted friend or a family member that you are most comfortable with. The people who know the real you can help you remember that you are capable of overcoming these obstacles and would emerge victoriously.


You just cannot escape the inevitable. Sometimes it's better to just open the closet and see if there really is a monster inside it. Face it knowing that you are amazing and that courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to face that fear.


Once you have experienced trials in your life, you will realize that it has made you a stronger person regardless of the outcome. And that medals, honor, and fame are nothing compared to being a better person who is full of wisdom and hope. You are better because you have decided to face whatever life gives you rather than just run away and cower from the hard parts.

Life has never assured us that it would be easy. But rest assured that it will be worth it because you are worth it.


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