Work But Be Smart

It's great if you're able to finish your work on time and with exceptional output. But you have to be smart enough to take care of yourself while you're working. Doing too much can be quite risky and can put you out of work. That's because exhaustion may lead to counter-productivity and errors. So you need to manage your time in such a way wherein you could function well and deliver what is asked of you while being able to have adequate rest. Even when it's not your break time, you should consider resting from time to time. That means looking away from your screen, doing some stretching, and eating to sustain yourself. No matter how busy you are, you always have the time to take a leak, stand up for a bit, and grab a bite. It would be stupid not to stop for a while to recover since no job is ever worth sacrificing your life.

Set alarms throughout the day if you need some things to remind yourself that you need to get some time to relax. Make it a part of your schedule to take care of yourself many times within the day. Of course, you shouldn't make it so that you won't be able to work well anymore. Adjust your time so that you could care for yourself while working long hours. Your output is important to keep yourself employed and making money but there's no replacing your life. I'm not encouraging you, reader, to spend a lot of your time being lazy. But I do insist that you consider resting for your health's sake.


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