Take Time to Communicate with Friends and Family

 There's no telling when you'll see people for the last time so you might as well have good conversations with them while they're still around. While you can, tell them about how life has been for you. Also, try to listen to their stories. After all, it's great to have two-way conversations. It's also a good way to get to know each other better. Now you don't have to have one-on-one talks. You can chat with a group of people all at once. But make sure that you give attention to those whom you're talking to. Likewise, you need to make yourself available for them to focus on you.

Sometimes, arguments can happen. That's normal. You only need to respect yourself and others to avoid or respond to such. It's not all good, you know. But, despite the case, you need to understand that such things make life more meaningful. It would be boring to always get along with someone. In some cases, friends and family must have disagreements to have some interesting topics to talk about. As long as no debates would cause serious problems then everything should be fine.


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