Stop Being Too Nice

 It's not okay to always be so nice to people. It's cute but isn't helpful at all. The truth is it even brings a lot of trouble to the person who frequently tries to be "good". You have to understand that, in this world, it's survival of the fittest. This means that people will do anything to survive. To hold on and enjoy life, you'd be surprised to know how many are willing to take advantage of others for as long as possible. This is completely natural, on the other hand, so there's nothing to complain about. It's only up to you to respond favorably to being taken advantage of so that people won't walk all over you.

So what can you do to help yourself if you've noticed that you're almost always being "too nice" to people and that you're already having issues because of it? There are a lot of practices that you could do so that you'll be able to develop your personality and character to your advantage. Here are some of the tips that have worked for me and might help you out.

  1. Prioritize or give high value to yourself
  2. Find out and stick to what you want.
  3. Speak your mind.

Now, in prioritizing yourself, you need to think about putting yourself on top. Consider yourself valuable but it's not enough to think of yourself that way. It means that sometimes you must also learn to unleash your selfish side and know that you deserve the best. It's fine to care about what people think but do the things that you want to do anyway. It doesn't mean that you should be careless but it does mean that you should make an effort to establish that you're confident in yourself. People would think twice about insulting or belittling you when they see that you're prepared to fight back or you at least value your integrity.

When you want something, you say it. Also, you must mean what you say. Don't be satisfied with being fine with what others want. Rather, discover what you wish to happen and exert effort to make that a reality. People may discourage you from pursuing certain things out of goodwill or jealousy. In any case, you must learn to stand by your decisions or take pride in the things that you say you'd commit to. You don't have to be loud and proud but at least be firm. Folks will attempt to control you so don't give them the chance to do so.

Let your ideas be known. Say your thoughts verbally or through writing. What's important is that you speak up when you have the opportunity and you think it would be smart for you to do so. Do that rather than keeping everything to yourself. Many think that they have authority over people when the truth is they don't have absolute power over anyone. You must have the will and strength to rise against these individuals so that you won't be trampled on.


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