Learn to Pray or Be Positive and Optimistic

 We don't know what's going to happen next after 2020. That's the only thing that's certain. With that in mind, it would be better to pray. If not that, be and stay positive and optimistic. It makes sense to feel dread sometimes but focus on what can be done. After all, it's better to react favorably rather than dwell on worrisome thoughts. You won't achieve anything but negativeness when you hold on to stress, anxiety, and depression. Work on making yourself better. Improve in order for your life to experience progress. Likewise, when you'd make an effort to be finer or superior, you'll have fewer things to worry yourself about.

Get rid of negative ideas in your head or at least learn to adapt to their existence. If you can't program your mind to forget bad things that happened, find a way to fight those thoughts. Sometimes, walk away and just ignore problems if they can't be dealt with immediately. You know, often, you only need to take some time off to unwind and process everything to get back on your feet as a better version of your former self.

Pray if that works for you. Give thanks to and ask for help from your God. Divine intervention, for a lot of people, works. There's nothing wrong with that as long as you aid yourself in the process. Take time to meditate and practice your mindfulness. Find a way to reach out to your chosen deity. After feeling enlightened and revitalized, stand up and put your back into it. Fight to survive.


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