Busy During the Holidays

 Some professionals get to rest during the holidays while others continue to work. I belong to those who keep going during festivities. The nature of my work involves me being compelled to stay functional during the days when a lot of people are resting. How does it make me feel? It does affect me in the sense that I too want to rest. But, knowing that I'm holding a job, I don't feel bad at all. At least I'm working while others aren't. Though many have paid leave privileges, there are also those who have to function to earn their keep. That's just the way it is. I guess the bit of envy comes from not being able to relax as much as others do.

As always, to get by, I think of the positive aspects of my situation. That's to say I'm thankful that I'm employed. Also, I'm grateful that I have other things to do than laze around all day. Call it sour grapes but I'm serious about appreciating my circumstance.


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