Modern Arnis by Remy Presas

Remy Presas may have passed on but his legacy continues. His way of manipulating arnis sticks made it simple for a lot of people to get into the Filipino Martial Arts called escrima, arnis, or kali. He's definitely one of the best teachers there is when it comes to practical combat training.

What's unique about his art is that he teaches people how to strike hard and strike fast while keeping the flow of the blade or stick going. With his craft, you can learn how it is to attack, defend yourself, and think things through fast while a fight is going on.

If you're interested to know more about him and how he did his thing when he was alive, buy his book about Modern Arnis or watch videos of him like this one on websites like YouTube. If you're interested in doing what he did then buy some 28-inch rattan sticks to follow along with his comprehensive lessons.

You won't always find a stick to defend yourself with or to attack an assailant but he covers that too by teaching his students how to fight using the hands and feet alone. So, as you can see, his martial arts method is something that simply cannot be underestimated. Go ahead and watch a recording of his lecture to see what I'm talking about.


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