Adapting to the New Lifestyle

Making Work From Home Adjustments
Working indoors means doesn't only mean being functional for several hours. It means taking on tasks while attending to household matters. Unlike working in an office, you can't just sit and do your job in front of your desk. You still have to take care of what goes on inside of your home.
It'd been tough at first but I managed to adapt. Although I'm living alone at the moment, in a way, I'm thankful. I could only imagine how it would have been, had I lived with my parents, or if I had a spouse and children. This quarantine, I'm on my own and I'm thankful. It's a good thing that I have a computer with a microphone and earphones too. Having such keeps me preoccupied and alive altogether. That's because I have an online job that pays a decent amount of money to keep me alive because of my gadgets.
Still, though I'm with no one but myself, it has been a bit difficult. That would be due to not having any help around. Without anyone to take care of or assist me, or have a face-to-face conversation with, it's not easy. I have to wash my clothes, cook for myself and do the cleaning to make sure everything's tidy. Thank God I don't have asthma or any gut problems but I do get headaches from time to time. Stress must have caused them but I'm taking over-the-counter drugs to manage.
What Keeps Me Busy
As mentioned, it's an online job. Although it does make me tired, I'm thankful to be able to and have work. A lot of people nowadays aren't doing anything because they lost their position. It's a good thing that I found an employer who needs my expertise and keeps me going. Still, I'm looking for more means to keep up with the current situation.
As a side note, let me tell you about what's been happening. The pandemic caused so many business closures. It's scary, once you think about it. In truth, it was something unavoidable too. That would be because there are movement restrictions. Governments all over the world limit people's access to places. That's so to avoid the spread of the disease. Because of the imposed limitations, many businesses aren't able to support themselves. They closed down due to a lack of buyers and demands for goods and services. Moreso, in reality, I've been thinking about these things and such thoughts keep me awake. But I make sure to help myself by focusing on appreciating my life and how I manage day-to-day.
Besides work and the troublesome realities, which also keeps me on my feet is home improvement. No matter how many times I rearrange pieces of furniture and appliances, I'm still unsatisfied. I'm proud to say that my house is a bit spotless since it's free of the garbage that once made it a mess. Yet I don't blame myself for wanting to keep my space in order. In cleaning, I said, I get rid of trash and thus keep my health intact. Also, through it, I experience stress relief by displacement. I've read in Psychology books that it's a form of coping mechanism and it helps me a lot.
My Plans for the Future
If this lockdown keeps going on until next year, I'm going to look for extra means of income. Although I know my skills will always be essential, it's safe to say that it would be wise not to depend on one thing alone. As the saying goes, "Don't keep all your eggs in one basket." Because of that idea, I continue to work on improving my and finding more skills.
I intend to have a career in the entertainment industry, as I've been practicing my writing skills. I usually code to earn my keep but I've become interested in blogging. Hopefully, when things go well, I'll make it big and start doing some professional work. My idea on how experts do things is that they work for employers that hire content writers. I'm going to do the same to hone my skills while I keep doing some freelance web development.


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