Some of the Websites I Enjoy Using

The internet is such a huge place and there are so many websites to be a part of. Although I wanted to join each one, I decided to only sign up to be a member of a few. That's because I thought to myself, "I don't have enough time to check on everything. Maybe having some social accounts will suffice." And that worked for me. Instead of connecting to whatever page I could think of or was suggested to me, I went ahead and chose only to stick to some sites.

WordPress. It's my main blog site where I post about things that I think could help people out. It's what I use to keep and share useful information plus store memories for future review. It's got a nice interface to it. The dashboard that it has helps a lot, much like here in Blogger. With it, it's easy to customize and also write content to distribute online.

Facebook. I use it to chat, get some thoughts out, and also see what people are up to these days. I know it's been under fire for quite some time now, due to legal matters, but I don't mind. For me, it's still a reliable page where I could get practical data not only for being trendy yet also for daily living. It's where I get news and product feeds conveniently.

Tumblr. This one is also great. With this website, I see plenty of underrated, hidden gems shared by users all over the world. It's kind of like Twitter but folks there post about a variety of stuff and "reblog" posts. There, you're also given the chance to have a customized profile page. Plus, it gives users the option to post short quotes, images, lengthy articles, and even videos. I don't stay long there but I make time to visit the website.

Twitter. This one needs no introduction at all. It's so popular that most celebrities and other known personalities use it. Even the president of the United States has an account. LOL. It's where I get trends and interact with people. But there you gain followers and retweets. Still, I'm not there to collect fans. My purpose why I'm on Twitter is to connect to the world.

Quora. I'm getting used to this page. If you're fond of giving people advice then this is most definitely for you. There, you get requests to provide answers and the option to inquire too. Also, you could just find a certain topic, look up some questions, and then respond in the best way that you can.


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