Me and My Arnis
I've been practicing arnis since the beginning of the first quarantine period. And, so far, my skills improved a lot. So what do I do every day? I have this routine that I follow which helps me maintain my grip, forms, and strength.
My gripping force improved because I swung the sticks many times using both hands. How many repetitions, you ask? I do 50 strikes to different parts of the body, per set, and do 10 sets each. That makes 500 times per hand. Of course, people mentioned to me that I went overboard but I doubt it. That's considering what other serious martial artists do to enhance their skills.
I don't count how many hits my punching bag takes when I do impact striking. I only feel the force that I deliver and hold on to the sticks harder. I don't even mind the sounds that I make too. What's important is my determination to hit the points which are inside of my target.
Do I rest? Yes, without question. But my daily routine doesn't fail. Every night, I make it a point to have adequate relaxation. Making myself rest well usually equates to better performance and endurance.
The purpose why I do intense exercises is to work on my preparedness. Call me paranoid but it's better to have such a skillset rather than otherwise. It's my means for positive coping during these trying times.
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