How I Work on My Physique This Time

            Well, you can't go to the gym nowadays so there's no other choice but to do workouts at home. But that's alright. I've no problems with the idea. I've been doing it for the longest time, anyway. Besides, I have some free weights, handlebars, and exercise programs to use.

            Even if I know that you need to rest, as part of my routine, I do some lifting on-the-daily. I can honestly say that I do supersets and many of them until I feel worn out. Is it healthy? I don't think so. Not entirely at least, I mean. But it seems to be helping me get in shape and become stronger faster. Unlike before, I can now do the military press many times and with weights that I'd classify as extra heavy. I don't want to disclose numbers, though. Still, I do bodyweight exercises. Push-ups, dips, and planking, to be exact. Yet, to really take it up a notch, I've made it a part of my routine to also throw some punches and kicks. Unfortunately, I only do shadowboxing mostly despite that I have a sturdy bag that can take a beating.

            Dieting has been going well, apparently. I lost two kilos at least in one month. I hope I don't get back what I lost, though. I find that it's harder to lose weight than to gain muscle mass. But I'm not worried at all. As long as there's positive movement on my end, I'm good. Anyway, I'm losing weight steadily.


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