Happy Times are Now

            I've been single for quite some time now and things have been a whole lot better. Sure, my last romantic relationship was fun, but it had problems that made the breakup inevitable. My ex was helpful enough to support me get back on my feet when I was down and out but likewise limited my potentials somehow. Because we're not together anymore, I'm able to pursue my interests and passions. But it's not just losing the past romance which I'm thankful for. Treating some friends as casual acquaintances helped too. Having fewer companions gave me more time for myself and my family. In fact, because of the seemingly bad things that have happened to me, I was able to strengthen my relationship with my parents.

            Survivalism is something that my former friends and recent ex didn't like very much. They saw it as a form of paranoia but I defended the movement like I guarded a close buddy of mine. I always believed that it's essential to give attention to how to respond to familiar and probable, unfavorable conditions. Besides, challenges can be faced positively and with optimism. Likewise, it's not all about bushcraft, going off-the-grid, and fighting. So then I had the will to get my eagerness on "staying alive" spread, and it made me feel free.

            I've been holding back on writing, for the past few years. Someone would usually discourage me from creating written content and encourage me to stick to my known expertise, namely web development. I said to myself, "Why don't I try something new instead?" and I did. Creative writing was what I was always curious about so I decided to try it for myself. Relatives saw me as a master in computers and dismissed the idea that I had writing skills. I mentioned my blog a few times and the thought of me blogging was completely ignored. What I did was I didn't seek approval or recognition anymore. I simply launched a word processor and started typing whatever I could. After I composed a few lines, I worked on creating lengthier entries. My saved files piled up and I started creating stories and guides related to urban survival. My parents were fully supportive of me and their encouragement pushed me on. I started blogging and posted things that I cared so much about to share.

            Though my connections to some folks dwindled and were lost, at least I had the pleasure and privilege to meet them. Without their discouragement, I wouldn't have felt challenged to pursue what I'm doing now. Because of my relatives didn't believe in me, I became aware of the fact that not everyone can be pleased and I have to be fine with it. My critics gave me a glimpse of how to find a niche, look for a target audience, and keep one's composure in this competitive world.

            Now I'm in a happy place and it doesn't get any better than this. I have no lasting issues making content and publishing online. I'm blessed to have parents who are very supportive of my work, though they're far apart. From my dad who currently resides in Houston, Texas, I keep on getting life lessons and financial aid. My mom in Quezon City, Philippines, helps me also supplies me with wisdom and my other needs. Even if I'm far away from them, they never fail to check up on me and help.

            Thank you too, reader, for taking the time to browse over what I've written. I hope that you find your happiness as well and that life will be more giving to you. It might not great all the time but you'll manage. Believe that the future will be a lot better and work on achieving your goals. Good luck, stay safe and God bless you.


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