Always Eating Indoors

            I know a lot of people are visiting restaurants these days because it's now considered safer. Every time the government implements the General Community Quarantine, cases go up. It's obvious why, though. When certain folks get out of their houses and travel, the troubles start. Infected individuals who are asymptomatic spread the disease unknowingly. Likewise, some of those who know that they've got COVID-19 care more about getting well than spreading the sickness to others. These are enough reasons why I continue to stay indoors when eating.

            I have to admit; I do order food online sometimes despite the risks. Most of the time, though, I do my groceries by going to grocery stores. But, even though I do expose myself to risks, I make sure to reduce my chances of becoming ill. I cook my food when I already have ingredients.

            Sure, I'm not an expert at food preparation. But at least I try to fix my meals. Also, I miss having fast food or even those fancy restaurant dishes. But I told myself that it's far more expensive to be hospitalized than to fail at meal preparation.


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