
Showing posts from December, 2021

Dealing With Self-Doubt

As much as we would want to be strong, there will be times of uncertainty and fear. It does not make us less of a person, but it gives us a reality check of our mortality. So how do we deal with the lack of confidence and fear of failure? Acknowledge You will never find the solution until you see the problem. Accept that you are not okay with yourself right now, and that's okay. What is important is that you know that this is not the end but the beginning of something better.  Support When things get low, don't be afraid to ask for help. Call a trusted friend or a family member that you are most comfortable with. The people who know the real you can help you remember that you are capable of overcoming these obstacles and would emerge victoriously. Act You just cannot escape the inevitable. Sometimes it's better to just open the closet and see if there really is a monster inside it. Face it knowing that you are amazing and that courage is not the absence of fear but the abil...

Eating Healthy is In, Fad Diets are Out

When the holidays end, people will start looking for the easiest, fastest, and cheapest diet available. No fat, no rice, gluten-free, sugar-free, and whatever it is Hollywood celebrities endorse. What we fail to realize is that eating healthy is far healthier. The food that we eat acts as fuel for our daily activities. It ensures homeostasis within our bodies, protecting us from sickness and injury. Eliminating carbohydrates causes ketosis, while the lack of protein in your diet causes kwashiokor. Thus, everything should be in moderation, with nothing too much and too little.  A balanced meal is composed of 50% vegetables, 25% protein, and 25% grains. Opt for canola oil, olive oil, and peanuts for your moderate fat needs. Top that with an active lifestyle of at least 30 minutes per day of exercise.  How you eat is also important. Slow down and chew your food well, enjoy every bit of flavor exploding in your mouth. Satisfaction through quality rather than quantity. Food is both...